The Metamorphosis of IfGIC 2024

A Founding Phase 2013 – 2023: “Global WE”
IfGIC was founded in 2013 with the purpose “to spread the idea of global integral competence in health, economy and peace and to develop corresponding concepts and programs in education and training”. In the last decade, IfGIC supported the development of scientific foundations for cosmopolitan communication and offered corresponding courses and training programs for professional educational institutions such as universities, EU, national/local government in Germany. This founding stage from 2013 to 2023 is characterized by the creation of a new narrative – “global WE”, which could be implemented in many projects/workshops with dialogue process, transparent communication, cosmopolitan communication and global social witnessing.
At the end of this phase, the IfGIC Board started to reflect and consider our journey and realized that we are living in a very different world from 2013 and are facing many challenges such as refugee crisis, climate crisis and democracy crisis all over the world. We are proud to have invested a lot of energy and time to create a global WE, but it is not enough to offer solutions to these challenges. We need new narratives.
A Paradigm Shift Phase 2024 – 2034: “Transgenerational WE” and “Planetary WE”
Since the beginning of this year, we have thought, felt and sensed a strong will of metamorphosis from within the IfGIC spirit – a desire to evolve, including a birth transformation into a new, unknown world. An important guiding question in this metamorphosis process is: “How can we bear witness to climate change and create new narratives for planetary education?”
Adapting to climate change is an evolutionary challenge where we need to understand that we are actually co-creating the future. Yet we think of climate change as a technical problem related to carbon dioxide emissions. But it’s more than that – it’s an adaptive challenge that involves our beliefs, values, and worldviews. We should consider not only the practical, technological, and behavioral aspects, but also the personal and social aspects. To see the blind spot of these aspects, we need new narratives with new awareness.
In this paradigm shift phase, IfGIC wants to engage with scientists and activists who are conceptualizing and practicing new WEs – global, transgenerational and planetary WE.

Cosmopolitan Communication
Our institute promotes Cosmopolitan Communication by developing Global Integral Competence and practicing Transparent Communication and Global Social Witnessing.
Our Projects
Becoming a global witness via digital toolkit
This project is supported financially by the European Union
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