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Strategic Partnership 2019-2021

BLended Adult Learning for the Social-ecological Transition (BLAST)

Blended learning for the social-ecological transition combines experiential place-based learning through immersion in community-led initiatives with online opportunities for exchange and peer learning in geographically distributed Communities of Practice. Blended approaches extend the reach, facilitate access, improve motivation, enhance flexibility, and synergise otherwise disconnected opportunities for learning and action. They combine “high tech” and “high touch”, i.e. digital access to the most suitable resource persons, the best knowledge and the most advanced practices available at the transnational level, and the conviviality of personal encounters and joint face-to-face work in unique local community settings or regional multi-stakeholder networks.

For more information, feel free to come in touch with the coordinator of BLAST: community (at)


The purpose of the BLAST partnership is to enable educators, trainers, facilitators, mentors, researchers etc. in delivering transformative learning opportunities to citizens, communities and professionals that engage as change-makers and game-changers in the social-ecological transition. The aim is to help them contribute more joyfully and continuously to just sustainability transitions while generating broader and more lasting impact in response to the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, and broader humanistic agendas of systemic change and desirable futures.


The BLAST partnership pursues the following objectives:

  1. Provide a context for adult educators to improve their competences in delivering blended transformative learning for civic engagement in community-led initiatives.
  2. Increase reach and improve access, quality, attractiveness and coordination of educational delivery of transformative adult education initiatives across Europe that are supporting the social-ecological transition.
  3. Identify, pool, encourage and spread related social and educational innovations.
  4. Exploit and promote results of other related EU projects.


Through participatory processes across several iterations, the BLAST partnership develops the following outputs:

  • BLAST Community of Practice Guide
  • BLAST Catalyst Toolkit
  • BLAST Competence Framework
  • BLAST Training of Trainers Curriculum

Preliminary and final versions of those outputs will be made accessible through the evolving BLAST wiki pages.


Check the outputs from BLAST Project published in Canva.

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